蓝莓烤芝士/ Blueberry baked cheese
(软香酸奶酪、清甜涩蓝莓,止于经典。Soft sweet yogurt, sweet astringent blueberry, stop classics.)
朗姆冻芝士/ Rum frozen cheese
(樱桃调和芝士,零度融合,醇味道。Cherry blend cheese, zero degree fusion, mellow taste.)
水果森林/ Fruit forest
(森林里的城堡总是那么梦幻缤纷。The castle in the forest is always so fantastic.)
香果蜜语/ Fragrant fruit honey
(鲜果和花瓣,融入纯正奶油的浪漫。Fresh fruit and flower petals into pure romantic cream.)
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