红浆果夏洛特(奶油蛋糕)/Charlotte Cake |
蓝莓夫人/ Blueberry cake |
奥利奥咸奶油蛋糕 |
芒果百香果 /cake |
莓果提拉米苏 |
百福贺寿/ cake[ |
北海道乳酪/ cheese cake |
福寿安康/Cake |
提拉米苏/Tiramisu |
车厘子巧克力奶油蛋糕/ Chocolate cake |
心爱/cake |
仙桃贺寿/cake |
蒙布朗/Mont Blanc花生脆脆伴着香甜栗蓉,调入朗姆酒经典味道。 |
养生黑芝麻蛋糕/Black sesame cake |
梦龙咖啡蛋糕 / Magnum coffee cake |
蟠桃园//Peach-Shaped Mantou cake饱满的寿桃搭配鲜纯奶油,阵阵飘香!Full Peach-Shaped Mantou collocation fresh pure cream, bursts of fragrance! |
樱桃巧克力裸蛋糕 |
生巧抹茶凝酪蛋糕/cake |
焦糖海盐蛋糕/Caramel Sea Salt Cake |
草莓裸蛋糕/Strawberry naked Cake浓郁奶香遇上微酸鲜草莓 ,自有一种独特风味,令人流连忘返!Rich milk flavor in sour fresh strawberries, has a unique flavor, is away. |
原味裸蛋糕/Plain naked cake看似随意的堆砌却有着令人着迷的美感,完美味道!Seemingly random pile has a fascinating beauty, perfect taste! |
芒果芒果/Mango Cake |
雪域草莓/Snow Area Strawberry cake酸甜的味道,无法捕捉的清香。Sweet and sour taste, cannot capture the fragrance. |
仙桃宴//Peach-Shaped Mantou cake色彩缤纷的鲜果围绕着饱满的蟠桃,视觉和味觉的双重盛宴从这里开始!Colorful fruit around full of peach, double feast of visual and taste from here! |
芒果慕斯/Mango Mousse这个季节,我们一起品味新鲜芒果的滋味。This season, we taste the taste of fresh mango. |
草莓雪人 |
草莓巴斯克芝士 |
蟠桃盛宴 |
榛果巧克力费列罗 |
樱桃巧克力奶油蛋糕 |
椰香糯米芒果蛋糕/ Cake |
爱MOM/cake |
多肉蓝莓 |
亲爱的爸比 |
零卡糖低脂蛋糕 |
草莓炸弹/cake 1磅约15cm |
复古巧克力草莓蛋糕/ cake |
沙哈/Sachertorte奥地利总有一样东西让你钟情,要么是音乐,要么是沙哈。 There is always one thing makes you love in Austria , music or Sachertorte. |
黑森林/Black Forest从巴登到弗莱堡,从欧洲到中国,黑森林经得起各种口味的挑剔。 From Baden to Freiburg, from Europe to China, Schwarzwald is amenable to various tastes picky. |